Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: May 8th, 2008I often get emails from hopefuls with an eye cocked at the Japanese game industry. The questions, though I usually try my best to answer them if I can, usually follow the same lines, which reminds me that my blog is probably not the most user-friendly. I promise that I'll think of (yet another) redesign, with a blogger template with better emphasis on categories and such. A lot of the things people are curious about are mentioned specifically or in passing in earlier blog posts, but I understand these can be difficult to find. So here are a few of the most common questions I get sent my way, and I'll tag this post with the title, so it'll show up on the "categories" list in the sidebar for future reference.
Q: Do I need to speak Japanese to get a job in the Japanese gaming industry?
A: The easy answer is "no", hurrah! There are a few companies that are willing to overlook this requirement, as they have realised the potential value of a foreign employee, especially if they have previous experience that is useful to the company.
The answer you don't want to hear is "yes", it's imperative! Let's face it, you'll be living life as a social cripple without basic Japanese skills, and communication with your team will be tiresome or impossible. If you make the slightest effort to learn Japanese your chances increase exponentially, you'll have many more companies to choose from and you'll become a far more attractive prospect. Your colleagues won't speak English, your boss won't, your contract will be in Japanese; if you can show you can handle all this you'll find very few obstructions in your way to becoming a game developer in Japan.
So, really, just learn the language, and start now!
Q: How well do I need to be able to speak Japanese?
A: This very much depends on your role. Some jobs will obviously require near-native level skills, where others will be perfectly doable with only basic communication levels. The more managerial you go, or the further into producing, the more meetings you'll have and the more documents you'll need to write, so obviously you will need some good language ability for these. Down in development, say programming or art, basic communication is the very minimal but often also all you really need. For planning (design) again documents need to be written. For localisation there are a variety of roles, from proofreader or rewriter, for which Japanese really isn't required, to actual translation, which obviously requires native-level skills. So it all depends on what job you are going for in the end, but needless to say, the better your Japanese the better your chances. As a minimum requirement you should really at least be a confident conversationalist.
Q: But isn't Japanese so very difficult to learn?
A: This is what the Japanese themselves would like you to think, but no, not really. Grammatically it's simple enough. You'll need to lean your vocab again from scratch, which is a pain, but generally with a bit of effort, especially if you're in Japan already, you can quickly go from nothing to something, to a level where you can ask the shopkeeper for extra plastic bags or to tell the police you didn't steal that bicycle.
The real pain is kanji, of course, which the Japanese themselves learn from age 6, and even they have trouble with it. The best advice here is to get started as soon as possible and cram several of them a day for, well, the rest of your life. But overall, apart from the kanji, no, it's really not that difficult. More problematic is some of the cultural etiquette but even that can be learned or avoided. So don't stress about it.
Q: Is it, like, nearly impossible to get your foot in the door?
A: No, this is one of those persistent fallacies, that the industry is a closed shop and that it's impossible to compete with the Japanese for job openings. It's bunk. Mind you, if you don't speak the language, don't have any previous experience and don't have any marketable skills then, yes, you won't get in, but that isn't uniquely Japanese. Working in game development requires certain skills that not everyone has, so just thinking it's a nice idea for a job without putting in the study is simply not going to cut it.
Q: Should I do/continue/finish my study in (Subject X) before moving to Japan?
A: Yes, absolutely. Personally I'd recommend it anyway, because, even though the skills you need you'll probably only learn doing the job, getting a degree is a valuable experience for any young mind, both in training and knowledge as well as social contacts and alcohol consumption. You’ll spend the rest of your life chained to a cubicle, so why rush into it early?
Mostly, though, having a degree will ease your way into a working Visa for Japan. I'm sure companies willing to spend money on lawyers could find a way around it, but a degree is a requirement for Visa applications. The more relevant your degree the more useful it'll be but in the red-tape of Japan's bureaucracy any old degree will probably do.
Q: Should I get some experience at home first?
A: It would certainly help. Like in any other situation or country the more experience you have the better a candidate you are, the more chances you'll have getting a job. With Japan specifically I'd recommend it, as learning your required skills whilst also dealing with a culture and language barrier my slow down your growth as a developer, taking too much on at once. The better you are at doing your job without the need of tutoring or supervision the better your chances at landing that job.
If you have no experience at all you are pretty much at the mercy of the employer, and you'll probably end up amongst the new graduate hires, working hard for very little money until you can prove your worth. In this sense Japan us no different to any other country, but at least in your own culture you might be able to learn quicker and easier.
Q: Can I intern in Japan?
A: Probably. I actually don't really know this. I've come across one or two Japanese interns so far in my career here, and I have heard of foreign ones here and there but that is where my knowledge ends. I'd say it is not impossible, but it is not common and you'd probably have a better chance as a cheap graduate hire.
Q: Are the salaries really that low?
A: Well, yes, especially compared to the industry in other countries, like the US. Developers generally get very little pay and there is a glass ceiling you won't break until you get promoted into director level positions, but even then, don't expect to be buying Ferraris left, right and center until you start your own company and become famous or successful (or both?).
There are two points of note though. Firstly, as a foreigner you can bargain better. Part of the culture is to not be too aggressive or arrogant in these matters, but foreigners are exempt and expected to be difficult, so you can and should try hard to fight for a better wage. You'll still hit that glass ceiling but you're likely to hit it quicker than your Japanese peers. Secondly, the salaries aren’t specifically bread-line bad. Sure, you won't be able to afford a penthouse in central Tokyo, but most people can't afford that ludicrous luxury. The cost of living isn't as astronomical as you may have been lead to believe, and if you're prudent you can even save some cash. It is absolutely better than an English teacher's wage or that of a McDonald's worker.
Q: What is the working atmosphere like? Is it strict, formal, hierarchical?
A: There are too many different companies with too many different working cultures to give a single definitive answer to this. You know those films you've seen or those stories you've heard, of scary bosses, tight suits, deep bowing and all that? Yeah, well, no, the game industry isn't really like that. Your relationship with your boss pretty much depends on what type of boss he is, and though you're unlikely to call him by his first name, you can expect to have a laugh with him down the pub. Job interviews could require a suit and tie, which is perfectly reasonable, but again, not always. Generally decisions are passed on down from up high, what the boss says goes, but that doesn't mean you have to bow deeply when he gives his orders. In short, don't stress it, the game industry is a lot more relaxed than most types of companies. This is especially good in the hot and humid summers when you will be the only one in shorts and sandals on the busy train stuffed full of suits.
Q: Is it really as much of a game/manga/anime paradise as I hope it is?
A: There is indeed a lot of it about, but it becomes less fun buying all that tat if you're using your monthly salary rather than a holiday budget, so you'll find the novelty soon wears off. There is also this anticipation that your otaku tendencies will be blindly accepted by the Japanese, because manga, games and anime are much more part of everyday life. This is only true to an extent. People that like these things a little too much are still shunned as sad geeks, and remember "otaku" is derogatory.
Q: Where do I start?
A: There are many avenues you could choose from, most of which have been discussed previously on this blog. Check the links below for more information. But generally, if it's something you want to do, move to Japan and work in the game industry here, my best advice is to just go for it. It's certainly not impossible, though you will need to work at it. More and more foreigners seem to be able to make this jump these days, so things are looking up. Don't be dissuaded by the naysayers who say it's impossible - they don't know what the Hell they are talking about. Good luck!
Previous posts on moving to Japan here.
Previous posts on different job descriptions here.
Q: Is it worth it?
A: That totally depends on your reasons. For someone early on in his development career Japan could offer some interesting opportunities, but for someone more senior the salary and working conditions may be a little too much of a step down. Living in Japan is great, so if you simply want to work to live it can be a nice life. If you're a Japanophile you may have high expectations that probably won't be met; integration is impossible, the Japanese are as rude and ignorant as everybody else in the world and otaku are not revered, as so many people seem to think. I'd highly recommend spending some time here first, a few holidays, a homestay or a few months as a teacher or whatever, just to get your expectations back to a realistic level, and then decide. The industry itself isn't in the best of states right now, and any experience as a developer you pick up here might not translate well to Western development should you ever move back, but that could change.
If your expectations are realistic there is a lot to get out of a move to Japan and a job in the game industry, so yes, it could be worth it.
Q: Who do you work for?
A: Because I feel it is unfair for my employer and projects to possibly suffer unduly from anything I write I have decided to use a penname. As such I won't be forthcoming with any further details regarding my identity or place of employment. Trust me, it's nothing to do with adding a veneer of mystery or feverish speculation - there is no big reveal here. I certainly hope my posts will be useful, insightful or distracting enough for readers not to care I am a nameless schlemmel.
If you have any specific questions, don't be too shy to email me directly, as I do always try to answer my mails. Making the move to Japan is always a lot easier if you get a few nudges in the right direction, which is what I'll gladly do if I can.
How do one get a place to stay while hunting for jobs? Or rather how would one go about hunt for his first job?
ReplyDeleteI agree with JC. I highly recommend getting experience on games that ship to market in your home country before trying to get a job in game development in Japan. You will have a much stronger ability to bargain for your meager salary and will be able to come in with a level of respect from your coworkers that you otherwise would not have.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is probably possible to make the move without it, it is much easier to make the case to get hired if you have skills (especially if your Japanese is non-existent or bad). It also gives you the opportunity to compare different working styles of the world which can open your eyes to the benefits and drawbacks of methods of business.
I came to work in Japanese game development 6 months ago, against the advice of JC (ha!), and that comparison/opening of the mind has been the most valuable experience career wise.
Metroid, I think that is (sort of) covered in one of the earlier series of posts that I link to. There are gaijin houses (dorm type affairs) which won't break the bank and other options too. As for going about job hunting, that is definitely covered in previous pots.
ReplyDeleteMark, cheers, yeah, experience is massively helpful, but it's a trade-off. The more experienced you are, the better your chances but similarly the worse the step-down is going to be for you.
Thank you for your many advice JC. Really appreciated and almost always interesting to read your texts.
ReplyDelete"Q: How well do I need to be able to speak Japanese?
ReplyDeleteA: This very much depends on your role. Some jobs will obviously require near-native level skills, where others will be perfectly doable with only basic communication levels."
So I'm assuming to be a designer/planner, you have to be fluent? JLPT 1 (or better)?
Ah if only I were an ace programmer or artist...
You knew I was going to comment :-p
My experience is it will take 2 years of FULL TIME STUDY to learn Japanese at a level sufficent to work. Full time = 4 hours a day, 5 days a week plus homework. That's the schudule set by most Japanese language schools in Japan as far as I know and it fits my personal experience.
Working Atmoshpere:
The working atmosphere seems about the same as the states. Casual dress (shorts are ok), toys on your desk, etc. I brought 5 suits to Japan thinking I'd need them for game development. I never wore one of them.
While a larger market than the states is still a minority market. Imagine of SciFi channel doubled it's viewership. It would still be for geeks only and still shunned by most people as "for kids" or "for nerds".
Language skills needed:
JPLT 1 is the highest test but it is far from fluent. My impression is most of the foreigners in development are around JPLT 2ish. That's about the level you'll be if you study fulltime for 2 years.
You might get by at JPLT 3 in localization if you are an editor (someone who re-writes English translated by a non-native English speaker to native sounding English as well as fixing jokes and cultural references)
Your comments are always welcome, Gman. There are few of us with the long-haul experience so any insight is useful!
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed, I don't disagree with anything you said, except...
I know of one or two developers here whose Japanese ability is petty terrible, but they are getting by (in certain companies that make an effort), so it *can* be done on JLPT4 or lower (if that existed), but obviously it is far from ideal. I think it's a changing landscape, as more foreigners make the move, but I still highly recommend getting as proficient in Japanese as possible, as it vastly increases your chances.
One of my friends went through the horror that is an Eikaiwa(private English conversation school) just to get to Japan, have a place to stay.
ReplyDeleteHe went via the semi-notorious NOVA, aka McEnglish. JET program is another good way to get to Japan, but you've got to commit to that job. JET program could be a very good thing to do to get yourself habituated to working and living in Japan.
It certainly made it easier to interview and such. I've finally written my JP language cover letter and resume, been applying to a few places. No word yet. :x
Hmm well I've now started on JLPT 1 stuff so maybe I'd have a shot then :)
ReplyDeleteMy listening skills need a lot of work though...
Nice post. As always, very informative and well thought out. I do have a few things I'd like to add, however:
ReplyDelete1) Language requirements
I would suspect that your talent and experience were so great that they overrode the usual "requirement", but I would avoid recommending that people with little or no language proficiency even try to break into the industry myself. I personally know of only one non-Japanese speaker here and - once again - his experience and attitude (and his duties as text editor) made less of a hurdle than you may ordinarily expect.
2) Salary
You describe Japanese game industry salaries as "absolutely better" than that of an English teacher. Are you really confident that you can say that? It took me 3 to 4 years at my current company to catch up to what I made from day one as a teacher. A few promotions later, I can certainly use the adjective "absolutely" with comfort and confidence, but I'm not sure that it's the norm right out of the gate, honestly.
3) "Otaku" as derogatory
I'm not entirely sure I agree with this. Like most words, it's entirely based upon context. Would I wear a shirt that says "Otaku" on it to my fiance's parents' house? Hell, no. But, in the context of the game industry, the word - depending on how and when it is used - is far from an insult. I've made many friends through jokingly identifying myself as such. It's not so black and white and the idea that the word is automatically negative and derogaotry is, in many ways, driven more by internet memes than reality.
Anyway, thanks for listening to my 2 yen. Keep up the good work!
Hey lildavey, thanks for your comments! They are all very sound.
ReplyDelete1) Language requirements - yes, if you don't have the language skills you had better have the experience and talent to offset that, and I certainly wouldn't recommend anybody coming here with neither!
2) Salary - Again, yes, with the experience behind you, you can go a lot higher in wages, but I agree that the graduate level of salaries is a lot lower than even English teaching. Many teachers also point to the fact their hours are better and they have more spare time to study the language and faff about, so it's swings and roundabouts, really.
3) "Otaku" as derogatory - Well, it is. Of course it doesn't always have the same biting hatefulness, but even in your examples of jokingly using it, the word definitely does not have the social acceptability it somehow has gained in the West. I just like to warn people new to Japan not to introduce themselves as otaku without it being tongue in cheek! :)
Thanks for your 2 yen. Every possible insight and angle on working in Japan helps!
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ReplyDelete凄い20代女性 高収入仕事はすごく良かった、凄い学生・OLでも1日5000円以上稼げるを楽しんでね。人気サイト気軽に稼げるアルバイトがいい感じ、本物の40代女性でも月30万以上稼げるだね^^★ラクラク稼げる携帯メールレディーに移動、見ないと損する時給の高いチャットレディを楽しんでね。ココ→初心者 高収入メールレディー求人はとてもよろしいと思いました。本物のフリーターでも月50万以上稼げるを見ました。優良サイト学生でも時給2000円以上稼げるを参考にしてみてね★優良モバイルサイトOLでも月30万以上稼げるだね^^見ないと損するおしゃべりだけ 携帯ライブチャットレディーを楽しんでね。大人気会話だけで稼げる携帯ライブチャットレディーで幸せな生活を取り戻しました。イイ情報がたくさんの育児中の主婦 高収入パート募集を参考におすすめ優良ラクラク稼げる携帯チャットレディーを見てみてね~♪口コミで大人気の会話だけ 稼ぎやすいバイト がイイよ、人気サイト片手間でも月60万以上稼げるがイイよ、優良情報が見放題育児中の主婦 高収入バイト求人だね^^優良モバイルサイト副業 携帯チャットレディ募集を参考にしてみてね★素敵なサイト片手間でも1日1万以上稼げるが1番良かったです!!役立つ月20万以上のチャットレディに今すぐGO~優良サイト高収入ケイタイメールレディー求人募集で幸せになれた○★顔出し無しでも安心 チャットレディーは楽しいね。大人気人妻に人気の携帯チャットレディで貴重なサイトを知れて良かったです!→育児中の主婦 稼ぎやすい在宅バイト をクリック@くちこみで評判の30代女性 高収入在宅バイト求人に移動、
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